Windows 10 error 0xc1900101
Windows 10 error 0xc1900101

windows 10 error 0xc1900101

Therefore, if you get the error message and are confused, you are in the right place because we will be explaining this issue in detail and offering different solutions that will help you completely rid yourself of this error. Although these requirements are for clean installation of Windows, you should have at least the same amount of free space in your system drive in order for the update to be successful.The 0xc1900101-0x30018 error that you might see on your screen while installing a Windows update or a new version of Windows, is mostly related to obstructions during processing the install on your system. If we look at Windows 10 requirements, the space needed for Windows 10 32-bit clean installation is 16 GB while 20 GB is needed for 64-bit installation. Make sure you have sufficient space in your C drive (system drive). Let’s go through each solution: 1- Make space for Windows installation in the system driveĠxC1900101 – 0x2000C may refer to a limited space issue in the system driver where Windows is installed. There are two possible solutions that I have found out. We’ve restored your previous version of Windows to this PC.

windows 10 error 0xc1900101

Sorry, we couldn’t complete the update to Windows 10 Technical Preview. After restart, Windows would restore to the previous build of Windows 10.Ĭouldn’t update to Windows 10 Technical Preview But the update would hang in the middle and I would need to restart the PC after sometime. Windows Update would download the updates successfully and start installing the updates after restart. Things went smooth until the next upgrades of Windows 10 build 10041 and build 10049. The same products key of Windows 8.1 was used for Windows 10 upgrade. I didn’t have to enter a new product key for Windows 10. The upgrade went quite smoothly and there was no issues during or even after the upgrade. I recently upgraded my work laptop from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 build 9926.

Windows 10 error 0xc1900101